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DUBUQUE ANGLERS' LEAGUE. In 1906 members of the club were busy removing snags from Switzer, Goose, and Kleinschmidt (Long Slough) lakes. Plans were also made to perform the same work on Sunfish Lake. (1)

An active membership drive was underway. The club hoped to use the money to send a representative along with those of with similar organization to petition the Iowa Legislature to extend the fish and game laws to boundary waters including the Mississippi and Missouri rivers. (2)

The League was still in existence in 1910. (3) Among its officers had been Titus B. SCHMID, treasurer and John KLEINSCHMIDT, president.



1. "Anglers Club is Hard at Work," Telegraph Herald, January 14, 1906, p. 8

2. Ibid.

3. "A Review of the Year," Telegraph Herald, January 2, 1910, p. 13