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Encyclopedia Dubuque


"Encyclopedia Dubuque is the online authority for all things Dubuque, written by the people who know the city best.”
Marshall Cohen—researcher and producer, CNN

Affiliated with the Local History Network of the State Historical Society of Iowa, and the Iowa Museum Association.


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DOMINO'S PIZZA. Domino's Pizza is an American restaurant chain and international franchise pizza delivery corporation headquartered at the Domino Farms Office Park near Ann Arbor, Michigan. Founded in 1960, Domino's is the second-largest pizza chain in the United States (after Pizza Hut) and the largest worldwide, with more than 10,000 corporate and franchised stores in 70 countries. (2013)

The 1985 through 1987 Dubuque City Directory listed 3500 Dodge.

The 1989 Dubuque City Directory listed 3500 Dodge and 2013 Central.

The 1993 Dubuque City Directory listed 2013 Central and 3412 Pennsylvania.



Domino's Pizza--Wikipedia