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CRAWFORD, Merrill E.

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CRAWFORD, Merrill E. (Winfield, IA- ). Cable franchise administrator. Crawford's responsibilities in 1991 for enforcing the franchise included monitoring the signals, financial performance, customer services, construction and upgrading deadlines, and the posting of public notices outlined in the franchise with the cable company. A full-time city employee, Crawford oversaw and encouraged groups using access channels. His staff programmed Channel 8 on a daily basis and operated a public information office that developed press releases for the City, brochures, a speakers' bureau, and explored new telecommunications applications for the City. Among his duties in 1988 was testifying before Congress on the effective competition issue and the monopoly abuses he had observed in the communications' industry after deregulation.

Crawford came to Dubuque in 1983. He worked from 1971 to 1974 for Broadcast Program Services, Inc. and WMT in Cedar Rapids. From 1974 to 1983 he headed television production at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids and was later appointed manager of media services at the school.