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Ancestry: https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/person/tree/116244780/person/142190196907/facts?_phsrc=TrL4392&_phstart=successSource

CHRISTMAN, Charles. (Tamaqua, PA, Oct. 2, 1835--Dubuque, IA, Oct. 9, 1922). Christman remained on the home farm until the age of fourteen and then came to Dubuque in 1849. He began working for the hardware firm of FARLEY & CHRISTMAN, in which his brother, Jacob, was the junior partner. (1)

In 1860 Charles Christman became a member of the firm of WALLER AND CHRISTMAN, another hardware business. This business lasted until 1872 when Christman sold his interest to Jacob CHRISTMAN. The company was renamed J. & C. CHRISTMAN. This business lasted three years when they sold out to HEALEY BROTHERS. In two years when Edward T. HEALEY died, Charles bought his interest and the firm of CHRISTMAN & HEALEY was formed. This operated until at least 1894. (2)

Charles was a stockholder and director of the PIONEER SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY. (3)



1. Portrait and Biographical Record of Dubuque, Jones and Clayton Counties, Iowa. Chapman Publishing Company, 1894, p. 317

2. Goodspeed, Weston Arthur. History of Dubuque County, Iowa. Chicago: Goodspeed Historical Association, 1911, p. 630

3. "Dubuque County Pioneer is Dead," Dubuque Telegraph-Herald, October 10, 1922, p. 8