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BOTTOMS, Willard C.

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BOTTOMS, Willard C. (Dubuque, IA, June 1, 1899--Dubuque, IA, Nov. 25, 1974). Bottoms, employed many years by the FARLEY AND LOETSCHER MANUFACTURING COMPANY, retired as the personnel manager of the INLAND MOLASSES COMPANY.

He served as president of the Dubuque United Way, member and past general chairman of the Wood Products section of the National Safety Council, charter member and first president of the Dubuque Foreman's Club, and was president of the Dubuque Kiwanis Club, secretary of the club for twelve years, and Lieutenant Governor of Division Six of the Illinois-Iowa District Kiwanis International. He saw service as chair of the UNIVERSITY OF DUBUQUE Fund Drive.



Obituaries. Telegraph-Herald, November 25, 1974, p. 6