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BISSELL, Marian. (Chicago, IL, July 9, 1918--Dubuque, IA, Sept. 7, 2015). Bissell, a member of the board of the DUBUQUE COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY for over twelve years, served as president of the NATIONAL RIVERS HALL OF FAME. She was charter member of the Dubuque chapter of the League of Women Voters.

In 1983 Bissell, chairwoman of the Chaplain Schmitt Memorial Island Committee, presented the committee's recommendation for rezoning the island to prevent industrial development. (1) Bissell was the first woman to serve on the Dock Board and in 1984 became the first woman in the board's 48-year history to be elected its chairwoman. (2)

Her husband was the celebrated author, Richard BISSELL.



1. Gabe, Catherine. "Schmitt Island Rezoning Sought," Telegraph Herald, January 28, 1983, p. 2

2. "Marina News," Telegraph Herald, December 14, 1984, p. 2