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Encyclopedia Dubuque


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BIGELOW, Isaac S. (Buncombe, IA, Jan. 27, 1859--Dubuque, IA, Dec. 11, 1927). Bigelow came to Dubuque in 1883 and opened a general medical practice. He wrote many articles for professional journals. One of the most remembered was "Fractures of the Elbow Joint."

Bigelow served as the examiner for the Iowa State Pension Board and Insanity Commission and was a member of FINLEY HOSPITAL (THE) staff. He was president of the Dubuque Medical Society for one year and secretary four years and a charter member of the Cedar Valley Society. He was one of the organizers of the Iowa Public Health Association, served as its its first secretary, and was the City Physician in 1891 and 1892.



Portrait and Biographical Record of Dubuque, Jones and Clayton Counties, Iowa. Chicago: Chapman Publishing Company, 1894, p. 352