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MENTZ, Artie

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Artie Mentz has kept the spirit of Elvis Presley alive.

MENTZ, Artie. (Dubuque, IA, 1943- ). When he began combing his hair like Elvis and wearing silky shirts with big collars, Mentz naturally began being called "Elvis" and receiving a lot of razzing. Some of this ceased when, as the age of twelve, he took to the stage at a talent show in Cascade to perform some of early hits of "The King." Mentz began his routine at the age of fifteen playing for private parties in the Dubuque area. (1) He then developed a highly popular nightclub routine seen nationwide.

Promotional material. Photo courtesy: Bob Reding.

Mentz later played with a group called SHADES (THE) and starred in the five-piece rock band "Wildwood." He made the cover of USA Magazine in 1987, ranked one of the Top 10 Elvis Presley impersonators by Rolling Stone magazine in 1988, and was invited a second time to appear on the Oprah Winfrey television program in 1990. (2) In 2008 he was starring with a group called “Artie and the Pink Catallics.”

In 2003 Mentz was inducted into the Iowa Rock 'n' Roll Music Association Hall of Fame.



1. Kittle, M. D. "The King and I," Telegraph Herald, January 8, 2010, p. 1A

2. Ibid.

3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rj5HS-8Wtqs