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Kennedy Elementary School

KENNEDY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Westside Dubuque school opened on November 29,1965. The ceremony at which the cornerstone was laid on September 27,1965, brought an estimated three hundred people outside into forty-five degree temperatures to see Edward Kennedy, brother of the late President John F. KENNEDY.

Words on the cornerstone quoted from Kennedy's 1960 inaugural address: "Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friends and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans .... "

Construction of the school was plagued with repeated delays. Originally scheduled to open eight days after the other Dubuque public schools, Kennedy School opened twelve weeks after the school year began.

Kindergarten classes were held at ST. PETER LUTHERAN CHURCH, grades one through three met in the educational wing of WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, and students in grades four and five started classes at IRVING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Grade six students began the year at LINCOLN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. The completed school, costing an estimated $500,000,was designed with fifteen classrooms built in a U-shape around a multi-purpose room in which were located the auditorium, cafeteria, gymnasium, and library. The office complex closed the rectangle.

Increasing enrollment led to the two-story Kennedy Elementary School Addition of approximately 25,000 square feet. It included a new gymnasium, technology center, music and art classrooms, special education classrooms and kindergarten classrooms. (1)

On August 17, 2017 former colleagues gathered at Kennedy to honor David WILLOUGHBY, the first principal of the school who held the position from 1964 to 1984. His contributions to education were remembered by the creation of the Willoughby Multi-Purpose Room. (2)



1. "Construction Zone," Dubuque Community School District, Online: http://www.dbqschools.org/district/about-the-district/construction-zone/

2. Rezab, Matthew. " 'Heart' of Kennedy Elementary Dedicated to Memory of School's Longtime Principal," Telegraph HerItalic textald, August 18, 2017, p. 3A