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WALACHY, John. (Dubuque, IA--Dubuque, IA, Sept., 2011). Getting his first guitar at the age of 12, Walachy practiced and took lessons. By 1964 and a student at WAHLERT CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL, he began assembling a band. Playing songs popular at the time by Elvis Presley, Chuck Berry, and the Beatles, the group, eventually named LAVENDAR HILL, played at RAMP DANCES, ballroom concerts, and school dances. The band had a reputation as the loudest rock bands in the tri-states.

John was an example to the others in the band. John met his future wife Jean WALACHY while playing at a volunteer event. He joined the DUBUQUE MUSICIANS ASSOCIATION. He also balanced his commercial side with guitar Masses at NATIVITY CHURCH. When a young musician wanted to join the group but could not afford the drum set, John loaned him the money and arranged a payment schedule. John handled the band's business, bookings, rehearsal times and taught the others how to handle hecklers and prepare for a performance.



The Tri-States Ballrooms and Bands, Telegraph Herald insert, April 27, 2023, p. 54