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Encyclopedia Dubuque


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1351 Iowa

ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY. Founded locally in 1858, the first meeting of the society occurred at ST. RAPHAEL'S CATHEDRAL with the officers being Charles Corkery, president; Cornelius Collins, vice-president; John Deery, secretary; and Andrew Cummings, treasurer. The remaining members were John KEENAN, John Mullany, William Murphy and Patrick J. QUIGLEY. The group began its work with the successful solicitation of clothing, food, and money from farmers to give to people in need of assistance.

Active members of the society were required to regularly attend weekly meetings; visit the poor, sick, and distressed; and offer aid. Only Catholics could be active members. Subscriber memberships were available to anyone who contributed clothing, food, and money. Honorary members were invited to meetings, but were not required to participate in society activities. These members were expected to contribute a fixed annual financial donation.

Churches in the city each had their own conference. The president and vice-president of each church council participated in an upper council that had its own president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. John Keenan served as president of the society for twenty years.

The 1962 and 1968 Dubuque City Directory listed 201 Main.

The 1972 through 1993 Dubuque City Directory listed 1351 Iowa.