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Roberta Kuhn Center 2018

ROBERTA KUHN CENTER. In 1982 the SISTERS OF CHARITY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY (BVM) established the Roberta Kuhn Center as a means of thanking the community of Dubuque which had been the home of the order for 151 years.

Between that time and 1994 more than two hundred people, age 50 and older, took free classes in art, bridge foreign language, scripture, humanities, crafts, and word processing. The building used for the center had at different times been used as a Montessori school, bowling alley for novice nuns, and a shelter for farm animals. The Center advertises through churches, newspapers, and agencies serving senior citizens. Interest in the classes led to many being held in the MOUNT CARMEL MOTHERHOUSE and other locations.

See: Roberta KUHN



1. "Center of Spirituality," Telegraph Herald, April 24, 1994, p. 9