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GONNER, Nicholas, Jr.

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GONNER, Nicholas, Jr. (Cape Girardeau, MO, July 8, 1870--Dubuque, IA, 1922). Publisher. Nicholas Jr. took over publishing the LUXEMBOURG GAZETTE and the KATHOLISCHER WESTEN upon the death of his father. In 1899 he established the Catholic Tribune Weekly.

Gonner, the son of Nicholas GONNER, Sr. was named a Knight of St. Gregory in 1912 by Pope Pius X for his efforts in behalf of the Catholic faith. He was a past president of the Catholic Central Society, a national organization, and the St. Boniface Fund for Iowa. Gonner was also an active member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, a force within the Federation of Catholic Societies and a director of the Roman Catholic Mutual Protective Society of Iowa. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus and championed the cause of the Holy Name Society.