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CURE. In response to white supremacists who demonstrated in Dubuque in 1991, an organization of citizens formed to work for human equality and rights without concern for color or race. Citizens United for Respect and Equality claimed over five hundred members. The group acted as an information "clearing house" that collected information on statements and actions taken on issues. (1)

CURE advocated for a face-to-face anti-Klan protest on the day of the KU KLUX KLAN rally in Dubuque. Not much support came for the idea from the community leaders who suggested a more peaceful form of protest. These people organized a "Night to Unite" party and vigil to celebrate diversity far away from the KKK gathering. This was harshly criticized by CURE and other human rights activists who believed ignoring "hate" groups only encouraged them. (2)



1. Rafoth, Andrea. "A Look Back," Julien's Journal, January 1993, p. 30.

2. Chaichian, Mohammad A. White Racism on the Western Frontier: Dynamics of Race and Class in Dubuque, Iowa (180-2000), Trenton, NJ.: Africa World Press, Inc., 2006, p. 135