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CAWLEY, Edward T.

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CAWLEY, Edward T. (Oak Park, IL, Mar. 13, 1931--Dubuque, IA, Apr. 3, 2014) The son of Martin and Rose (Inglesby) Cawley, Edward married Patricia Kiely on February 5, 1955, in Chicago, Illinois.

From 1953 to 1955, Edward served with the U.S. Army. He received a B.S. degree in 1953 from Northern Illinois State Teachers College (now Northern Illinois University) and a M.A. degree in 1958 and Ph.D. in Plant Ecology in 1960 from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Edward was a professor of Biology at Loras College for thirty-seven years until his retirement in 1997. He was a member of St. Raphael's parish, Vice Chairman of Nature Conservancy, Chairman of State Preserve Board of Iowa and a former member of SIGMA XI and Iowa Academy of Science.

Dr. Cawley was a passionate and dedicated researcher and teacher. He carried out an active research program on mussel populations on the MISSISSIPPI RIVER over a twenty year period, which included surveying mussel beds by scuba diving. His research interests carried over to the classroom, teaching many biology courses in the field. Students in various field biology courses joined Dr. Cawley scuba diving in Florida, Bahamas, and Belize or surveying the deserts of Arizona.

While teaching at LORAS COLLEGE, he incorporated computers and technology into biology lab and lecture courses, including establishing a computer programming course for biologists in 1980, setting up the first Apple/Macintosh computer lab on campus.

In 1997 Cawley was the recipient of the Distinguished Iowa Science Teaching Award from the Iowa Academy of Science. (1)



1. Krapfl, Mike. "For Loras Prof, Biology Not a Desk Job," Telegraph Herald, April 24, 1997, p. 1. Online: https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=aEyKTaVlRPYC&dat=19970424&printsec=frontpage&hl=en

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