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Donna Bauerly

BAUERLY, Donna. (Dubuque, IA- ). Donna Bauerly received her bachelor of arts degree from Briar Cliff College in 1963, master of arts degree from Marquette University in 1969, and doctoral degree from Marquette University in 1973. She arrived at LORAS COLLEGE in 1971, the year the college became coeducational, as was the first female to serve as faculty chair and faculty senate chair. Bauerly also chaired the Division of Humanities, English and Continuing Education. On August 15, 1983, Bauerly became the first woman to attain full professorship at Loras. In 2001 she received the fourth John Cardinal O’Connor Chair for Catholic Thought.

Bauerly retired after a 52-year teaching career including 36 years at Loras and 16 years as a teacher in elementary, middle and high schools across the country. She focused her attention on writing the biography of the poet Rev. Raymond ROSELIEP, a former professor at Loras and an accomplished haikuist. All proceeds from the sale of the book were donated to the Haiku Foundation. (1) She also served as president of the Carnegie-Stout Library Foundation Board and chair of the Foundation Subcommittee for the Carnegie-Stout Library Renovation Campaign.

Bauerly began serving on the Dubuque Community School District Board of Education in 1997. In September 2008 she announced that she would not campaign for re-election. In her thirteen years on the board, Bauerly chaired the committee that oversaw the construction of PRESCOTT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. A center of every discussion including the debates over the use of drug dogs in schools, she was a member of the board during the District's building campaign which resulted in the opening of Eleanor Roosevelt Middle School and George Washington Carver Elementary School.



1. "Bauerly to Read, Sign Copies of New Book," Telegraph Herald, January 5, 2016, p 8